Latent Control: Hidden Markov Models

Andrew Fogarty


# load python
# load packages
from h3 import h3
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely import geometry, ops
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
from shapely.geometry import Point
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import nbinom
import statsmodels.api as sm
from numba import njit
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
from import show
from bokeh.plotting import figure
import bokeh.models as bm
from bokeh.models import LinearColorMapper, FixedTicker
from bokeh.palettes import RdBu

1 Introduction

Who controls territory in civil war? This is a central variable in the research and analysis of civil wars – yet it is incredibly difficult to measure. In this post, I model territorial control as a latent variable – an unobserved variable that presumes it is the cause of its indicators. In other words, the data we have is the effect of the latent variable. Latent variables differ from most empirical research in that we often implicitly assume effect indicators; indicators are the effect of the variable being measured. Latent variables are basically the disease-symptom model of phenomena: the disease causes the symptoms, not vice versa.

2 Sample of the Final Output

Upfront, the fruits of latent variable modeling are shown below. I use a Hidden Markov Model to predict territorial control sequences and their predicted probability on a country-wide scale using Uber’s hexagonal spatial indexing.

Bokeh Plot

The intuition from this project comes from published academic research done entirely in R. My contributions include: (1) completely recoding the intuition of the research from R to Python, (2) vectorizing all computations instead of using for loops, (3) using Uber’s state-of-the-art spatial indexing data structure H3, (4) recoding portions of the R package HMM (for Hidden Markov Models) into Python, (5) using on a more realistic distribution to match my data, the negative binomial instead of the poisson, which led to a pull request to update and improve SciPy,1 and (6) using new data, geospatially tagged event data from Afghanistan.

3 Preparing Geospatial Data

In this section, I use Uber’s H3 hexagonal geospatial index to: (1) load a shapefile that has been exported to geojson through QGIS, (2) fill the shapefile with hexagons at the specified value, and (3) extend the data set for time series by replicating each row for every month of event data.

def load_and_prepare_districts(filepath):
    """Loads a geojson files of polygon geometries and features,
    swaps the latitude and longitude and stores geojson.
    The geoJSON must be exported such that it is a polygon,
    not a multipolygon. In QGIS, vector > geometry tools > multi to single parts
    geom_json: (lon, lat)
    geometry: (lon, lat)
    geom_swap: (lat, lon)
    geom_swap_geojson: (lat, lon)
    gdf_districts = gpd.read_file(filepath, driver="GeoJSON")

    gdf_districts["geom_geojson"] = gdf_districts["geometry"].apply(
                                              lambda x: geometry.mapping(x))

    gdf_districts["geom_swap"] = gdf_districts["geometry"].map(
                                              lambda polygon: ops.transform(
                                                  lambda x, y: (y, x), polygon))

    gdf_districts["geom_swap_geojson"] = gdf_districts["geom_swap"].apply(
                                              lambda x: geometry.mapping(x))

    return gdf_districts

# load polygon geojson
input_file_districts = "C:\\Users\\Andrew\Desktop\\af_shape\\af_whole_json.geojson"
# create geopandas
gdf_districts = load_and_prepare_districts(filepath=input_file_districts)
# reproject to WGS84 Latitude/Longitude = "EPSG:4326"

def fill_hexagons(geom_geojson, res):
    """Fills a geometry given in geojson format with H3 hexagons at specified
    resolution. The flag_reverse_geojson allows to specify whether the geometry
    is lon/lat or swapped"""

    set_hexagons = h3.polyfill(geojson=geom_geojson,
    return set_hexagons

# create h3 hexs to fill the shapefile
# resolution 6 = 36.1 km2 area
# resolution 7 = 5.16 km2 area
# resolution 8 = 0.73 km2 area
gdf_districts["h3_hexs"] = gdf_districts["geom_swap_geojson"].apply(lambda x: list(fill_hexagons(geom_geojson=x, res=6)))

# remove areas with empty hexs
gdf_districts = gdf_districts[gdf_districts['h3_hexs'].str.len() > 0].reset_index(drop=True)

# add matching variable for district name
gdf_districts['level_0'] = list(range(0, gdf_districts.shape[0]))

# create subset for matching
matching_districts = gdf_districts[['level_0', 'DIST_34_NA', 'PROV_34_NA']]

# explode the list of hexs
df = pd.DataFrame(gdf_districts["h3_hexs"])
unnested_lst = []
for col in df.columns:
df = pd.concat(unnested_lst, axis=1, keys=df.columns)
df = df.reset_index()
df = df.drop('level_1', axis=1)

# add in district/prov names
df = pd.merge(df, matching_districts,  how='left', left_on=['level_0'], right_on=['level_0'])

# add lat & lng of center of hex
df['centroid_lat'] = df['h3_hexs'].apply(lambda x: h3.h3_to_geo(x)[0])
df['centroid_long'] = df['h3_hexs'].apply(lambda x: h3.h3_to_geo(x)[1])

# turn h3 hexs into geo. boundary
df['geometry'] = df["h3_hexs"].apply(lambda x: h3.h3_to_geo_boundary(h=x, geo_json=True))
# turn to Point
df['geometry'] = df['geometry'].apply(lambda x: [Point(x, y) for [x, y] in x])
# turn to Polygon
df['geometry'] = df['geometry'].apply(lambda x: Polygon([[poly.x, poly.y] for poly in x]))

# turn to geoDF
df_geo = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry="geometry")

# plot to see

# turn to time series; repeat each geo row, 1 for each month
df_geo = df_geo.loc[df_geo.index.repeat(12)]
# create a timeindex, 1 for each month
df_geo['time_index'] = np.tile(list(range(1,13)), len(df_geo) // len(list(range(1,13))))

# size of df

# reset index
df_geo = df_geo.reset_index(drop=True)

4 Preparing Event Data

In this preparatory stage, geospatially tagged events are loaded and divided into two subsets, events that are coded as intense and those which are coded as not intense, which match the theory behind my Hidden Markov Model. The intuition here is that these events are our emissions, or the effect of our latent variable territorial control. By comparing these events, we can eventually create theoretical thresholds to classify our emissions into Markov states.

# load event data
af = pd.read_csv('C:\\Users\\Andrew\\Desktop\\2019_af.csv', encoding='Latin-1')

# fill na
af = af.fillna(0)
af['total_cas'] = af['KIA Report Host Nation Security|Military'] + af['WIA Report Host Nation Security|Military']
threshold = af['total_cas'].quantile(q=0.90)
af['intense'] = af['total_cas'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x >= threshold else 0)

# strip white spaces
af['Month'] = af['Month'].str.strip()

# uppercase first letter
af['Month'] = af['Month'].str.capitalize()

# check months

# check year

# strip typo from year
#af['Year'] = af['Year'].str.strip('`')

# create mapping for month
d = dict((v,k) for k,v in zip(range(1, 13), af.Month.unique()))

# overwrite month
af['Month'] = af['Month'].map(d)

# create datetime; just year month
af['dt'] = pd.to_datetime(af[['Year', 'Month', 'Day']]).dt.to_period('M')

# create time series index for month
d = dict((v,k) for k,v in zip(range(1, 13), af.dt.unique()))

# create month index for time series
af['month_index'] = af['dt'].map(d)

# create separate dfs for types of ops
events_intense = af.loc[af['intense'] == 1].reset_index(drop=True)
events_not_intense = af.loc[af['intense'] == 0].reset_index(drop=True)

5 Preparing and Applying Logistic Decay Functions

In this section, I calculate the time between each event and each hexagon and the distance between each event and each hexagon centroid. For each hexagonal grid cell \(c_{i}\) in each month \(t\), I create a vector of spatial distances \(D\) and a vector of temporal distances \(A\) to each event. Events that occur in the future from the time of observation \(t\) receive a missing value. To account for spatial and temporal dependence, logistic decay functions are used to weight each vector to allow the impact of conflict events \(e\) dissipate over time and space.

The impact of an event is assumed to dissipate following a logistic decay function of the general form where x denotes the decaying quantity, age or distance, between the event and centroid. \(k\) determines the slope of the curve and \(\gamma\) determines its inflection point.

\[ w = \frac{1}{1+e^{-k+\gamma x}} \]

The spatial and temporal decay functions are shown below:

Spatial Decay Temporal Decay

The calculations for the distance and age functions are vectorized and use broadcasting to account for dataframe imbalance and thus requires large amounts of memory. Using smaller numerical representations, such as float16, while using less memory, results in very inaccurate distance calculations.

Lastly, our final output, \(exposure\), measures each hexagonal cell’s exposure to intense and not intense fighting. I assume that intense fighting include events where the casualty levels are in the 90th quantile. The exposure of a grid cell \(c_{it}\) to conflict events \(E_{it}\) is computed as the sum over all temporally and spatially weighted events \(J\):

\[ E_{it} = \sum_{j=1}^{J} (w_{d_{ij}} \times w_{a_{jt}}) \]

# spatial distance
def coords_to_vectors(df1, df2):
    ''' for broadcasting, df1 should be the larger df '''
    lon1 = np.array(df1['centroid_long'].tolist()).astype(np.float32)
    lat1 = np.array(df1['centroid_lat'].tolist()).astype(np.float32)
    lon2 = np.array(df2['Longitude'].tolist()).astype(np.float32)
    lat2 = np.array(df2['Latitude'].tolist()).astype(np.float32)
    return lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2

def vect_haversine(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2):
    Calculate the great circle distance between two points
    on the earth (specified in decimal degrees)
    lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2 = map(np.radians, [lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2])
    dlon = lon2 - lon1[:, None]
    dlat = lat2 - lat1[:, None]
    a = np.sin(dlat/2.0)**2 + np.cos(lat1[:, None]) * np.cos(lat2) * np.sin(dlon/2.0)**2
    c = 2 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(a))
    km = 6367 * c
    return km

# create a vector of spatial distances from each event to each centroid
intense_distance_results = vect_haversine(*coords_to_vectors(df_geo, events_intense))

# create a vector of spatial distances from each event to each centroid
# takes several minutes and a lot of memory
not_intense_distance_results = vect_haversine(*coords_to_vectors(df_geo, events_not_intense))

# need to do the same with time now
def time_to_vectors(df1, df2):
    d1 = np.array(df1['time_index'].tolist()).astype(np.float32)
    d2 = np.array(df2['month_index'].tolist()).astype(np.float32)
    return d1, d2

def vec_time(data1, data2):
    age_centroid = data1
    age_event = data2
    age = np.where(age_event-1 < age_centroid[:, None], age_centroid[:, None] - age_event, np.nan)
    return age

# create a vector of age time from each event to each centroid
intense_time_results = vec_time(*time_to_vectors(df_geo, events_intense))

# create a vector of age time from each event to each centroid
not_intense_time_results = vec_time(*time_to_vectors(df_geo, events_not_intense))

### logistic decay function

# spatial decay
def logistic_spatial_decay(vec, k=7, gamma=-0.35):
    ''' logistic spatial decay function, params:
    k: slope (float)
    gamma: inflection point (float)
    numerical overflows will occur with large distances,
    returning zero; likely bad coordinates '''
    w = (1 / (1 + np.exp(-(k + gamma*vec))))
    return w

# view function
distance = np.arange(1, 41)
weights_dist = logistic_spatial_decay(distance)
plt.plot(distance, weights_dist)

# apply function
intense_spatial_decay = logistic_spatial_decay(intense_distance_results)
not_intense_spatial_decay = logistic_spatial_decay(not_intense_distance_results)

intense_spatial_decay2 = logistic_spatial_decay(intense_distance_results)
not_intense_spatial_decay2 = logistic_spatial_decay(not_intense_distance_results)

# temporal decay
def logistic_time_decay(vec, k=8, gamma=-2.5):
    ''' logistic temporal decay function, params:
    k: slope (float)
    gamma: inflection point (float)
    w = (1 / (1 + np.exp(-(k + gamma*vec))))
    return w

# view function
time = np.linspace(1, 12)  # continuous look
weights_time = logistic_time_decay(time)
plt.plot(time, weights_time)

# apply function
intense_time_decay = logistic_time_decay(intense_time_results)
not_intense_time_decay = logistic_time_decay(not_intense_time_results)

# truncate small values to zero
intense_spatial_decay = np.where(intense_spatial_decay <= 0.05, 0, intense_spatial_decay)
not_intense_spatial_decay = np.where(not_intense_spatial_decay <= 0.05, 0, not_intense_spatial_decay)

intense_time_decay = np.where(intense_time_decay <= 0.05, 0, intense_time_decay)
not_intense_time_decay = np.where(not_intense_time_decay <= 0.05, 0, not_intense_time_decay)

### Exposure
exposure_intense = np.nanprod(np.dstack((intense_spatial_decay, intense_time_decay)), 2)
exposure_intense = np.sum(exposure_intense, axis=1)

exposure_not_intense = np.nanprod(np.dstack((not_intense_spatial_decay, not_intense_time_decay)), 2)
exposure_not_intense = np.sum(exposure_not_intense, axis=1)

6 Merging Event and Geospatial Data

In this section, the hexagonal geospatial data is merged with the exposure data to calculate value of a new variable named tactics. The value of tactics is determined by comparing the probability of exposure to intense events to the probability of non-intense events from a negative binomial distribution. There are four possible categories of tactics: 0, 1, 2, and 3.

### Place them into DF
df = pd.DataFrame({'exposure_intense': exposure_intense, 'exposure_not_intense': exposure_not_intense})
df['time_index'] = np.tile(list(range(1, 13)), len(df) // len(list(range(1, 13))))

df_agg = df.groupby('time_index').agg(intense_mean=('exposure_intense', 'mean'),
                                      intense_var=('exposure_intense', 'var'),
                                      not_intense_mean=('exposure_not_intense', 'mean'),
                                      not_intense_var=('exposure_not_intense', 'var'))
df_agg = df_agg.reset_index()

# join df_agg to df
df = df.merge(df_agg, how='left', on=['time_index'])

# drop time_inde
df = df.drop(['time_index'], axis=1)

# join grid hex data to df
df = pd.concat([df, df_geo], axis=1)

# cdf function
def negbin_cdf(series):
    This function takes a np.array and returns a negative
    binomial CDF for overdispersed count data.
    # prob. that x is less than or equal to val.
    series = series.tolist()
    y = np.array([series])
    y = y.flatten()
    # create intercept to fit a model with intercept
    intercept = np.ones(len(y))
    # fit negative binomial
    m1 = sm.NegativeBinomial(y, intercept, loglike_method='nb2').fit()
    # retrieve mu
    mu = np.exp(m1.params[0])
    # retrieve alpha
    alpha = m1.params[1]
    # set Q to zero for nb2 method, Q to 1 for nb1 method
    Q = 0
    # derive size
    size = 1. / alpha * mu ** Q
    # derive prob
    prob = size / (size + mu)
    return nbinom.cdf(y, n=size, p=prob)

# apply fun.
df['exposure_intense'] = negbin_cdf(df['exposure_intense'])
df['exposure_not_intense'] = negbin_cdf(df['exposure_not_intense'])

7 Hidden Markov Modeling

Hidden Markov Models uncover the most likely sequence of unobserved states of a discrete latent variable given a set of emissions, transition probabilities, and emission probabilities. These models maximize the most probable path over the entire sequence of observations which allows HMMs to discern whether an area is experiencing little violence is more likely to be under full Taliban or government control, given transition probabilities, emission probabilities, and the path probability of the previous time step. For each grid cell \(i\), I compute the most probable sequence of latent states over all time periods \(t\), given the sequence of tactics.

7.1 Transition Probabilities

A transition matrix specifies the probabilities of an area transitioning from one latent state to another. Each entry captures the probability of a hexagonal cell transitioning to a specific state of the latent variable \(q_{t}\) given its instance in the previous period \(q_{t-1}\).

7.2 Emission Probabilities

Emission probabilities specify how observed variation in the data relates to unobserved levels of territorial control. Each emission probability answers the following question: Given that the true unobserved state at time \(t\) is, for example, under full Taliban control, what is the probability of observing no violence from the data?

# emission thresholds
mar = 0.025
ixs = 0.1

def preprocess_series(s):
    ''' this function generates categorical emissions '''
    t = None
    c = None
    if s['exposure_intense'] <= ixs:
        t = 0
    if s['exposure_not_intense'] <= ixs:
        c = 0
    if (t == 0) & (c == 0):
        return 0  # O1; zones of rebel or gov total control
    elif ((s['exposure_intense'] > s['exposure_not_intense'])) and (abs(s['exposure_intense'] - s['exposure_not_intense'])) > mar:
        return 1  # O2 - closer to rebel control, more aggressive
    elif ((abs(s['exposure_intense'] - s['exposure_not_intense']) <= mar)):
        return 2  # O3 - highly disputed
    elif (s['exposure_intense'] < s['exposure_not_intense']) and (abs(s['exposure_intense'] - s['exposure_not_intense']) > mar):
        return 3  # O4 - closer to gov control, less aggressive

### HMM
# Emission Matrix
s1 = np.array([0.6, 0.175, 0.175, 0.05])  # rows sum to 1
s2 = np.array([0.05, 0.6, 0.175, 0.175])
s3 = np.array([0.05, 0.175, 0.6, 0.175])
s4 = np.array([0.05, 0.175, 0.175, 0.6])
s5 = np.array([0.6, 0.05, 0.175, 0.175])
emissions_matrix = np.vstack([s1, s2, s3, s4, s5])

# Initialize Markov Chain
# initial state probability vector
# probs of starting the sequence at a given state
# no prior of who controls what territory.
p_init = np.array([0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2])

# Transition matrix
# probability of transitioning from one state to another
# rows: state at time t
# cols: state at time t+1
# row probs sum to 1
# off-diagonal mass: transition out of states
# diagonal mass: stay in state entered
t1 = np.array([0.25, 0.5, 0.025, 0.2, 0.025])
t2 = np.array([0.25, 0.15, 0.075, 0.5, 0.025])
t3 = np.array([0.05, 0.025, 0.050, 0.850, 0.025])
t4 = np.array([0.025, 0.075, 0.15, 0.125, 0.625])
t5 = np.array([0.05, 0.075, 0.475, 0.025, 0.375])
transition_matrix = np.vstack([t1, t2, t3, t4, t5])
assert transition_matrix[2, :].sum() == 1

# States: 5 possible states
states = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])

# viterbi decoding
def viterbi(transProbs, initProbs, emissionProbs, states, observations):
    port for R library (HMM) viterbi decoding
    yields most likely sequence
    ideal if we care about getting the right sequence
    yields the Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimate
    assert np.isnan(transProbs).flatten().any() == False, 'nan exist'
    assert np.isnan(emissionProbs).flatten().any() == False, 'nan exist'
    nObservations = len(observations)
    nStates = len(states)
    v = np.full(shape=(nStates, nObservations), fill_value=np.nan)
    for state in states:
        v[state, 0] = np.log(initProbs[state] * emissionProbs[state, observations[0]])
        # iteration
        for k in range(1, nObservations):
            for state in states:
                maxi = -np.inf
                for previousState in states:
                    temp = v[previousState, k-1] + np.log(transProbs[previousState, state])
                    maxi = max(maxi, temp)
                v[state, k] = np.log(emissionProbs[state, observations[k]]) + maxi
        viterbiPath = np.repeat(np.nan, nObservations)
        for state in states:
            if max(v[:, nObservations-1]) == v[state, nObservations-1]:
                viterbiPath[nObservations-1] = state
        for k in range(nObservations-2, -1, -1):
            for state in states:
                if (max(v[:, k] + np.log(transProbs[:, int(viterbiPath[k+1])]))) == v[state, k] + np.log(transProbs[state, int(viterbiPath[k+1])]):
                    viterbiPath[k] = state
    return viterbiPath

def forward_hmm(transProbs, initProbs, emissionProbs, states, observations):
    port for R library (HMM) forward decoding
    assert np.isnan(transProbs).flatten().any() == False, 'nan exist'
    assert np.isnan(emissionProbs).flatten().any() == False, 'nan exist'
    nObservations = len(observations)
    nStates = len(states)
    f = np.full(shape=(nStates, nObservations), fill_value=np.nan)
    for state in states:
        f[state, 0] = np.log(initProbs[state] * emissionProbs[state, observations[0]])
    for k in range(1, nObservations):
        for state in states:
            logsum = -np.inf
            for previousState in states:
                temp = f[previousState, k-1] + np.log(transProbs[previousState, state])
                if temp > -np.inf:
                    logsum = temp + np.log(1 + np.exp(logsum - temp))
            f[state, k] = np.log(emissionProbs[state, observations[k]]) + logsum
    return f

def backward_hmm(transProbs, initProbs, emissionProbs, states, observations):
    port for R library (HMM) backward function
    assert np.isnan(transProbs).flatten().any() == False, 'nan exist'
    assert np.isnan(emissionProbs).flatten().any() == False, 'nan exist'
    nObservations = len(observations)
    nStates = len(states)
    b = np.full(shape=(nStates, nObservations), fill_value=np.nan)
    for state in states:
        b[state, nObservations-1] = np.log(1)
    for k in range(nObservations-2, -1, -1):
        for state in states:
            logsum = -np.inf
            for nextState in states:
                temp = b[nextState, k+1] + np.log(transProbs[state, nextState]
                                                  * emissionProbs[nextState, observations[k+1]])
                if temp > -np.inf:
                    logsum = temp + np.log(1 + np.exp(logsum - temp))
            b[state, k] = logsum
    return b

def posterior_hmm(transProbs, initProbs, emissionProbs, states, observations):
    port for R library (HMM) posterior function
    yields most likely state at each time step
    ideal if we care about individual state errors
    yields the Maximum Posterior Mode
    assert np.isnan(transProbs).flatten().any() == False, 'nan exist'
    assert np.isnan(emissionProbs).flatten().any() == False, 'nan exist'
    f = forward_hmm(transProbs, initProbs, emissionProbs, states, observations)
    b = backward_hmm(transProbs, initProbs, emissionProbs, states, observations)
    probObservations = f[0, len(observations)-1]
    for i in range(1, len(states)):
        j = f[i, len(observations)-1]
        if j > -np.inf:
            probObservations = j + np.log(1 + np.exp(probObservations - j))
    posteriorProb = np.exp((f+b) - probObservations)
    return posteriorProb

8 Calculate Sequences and Probabilities

The code below batches through the data frame 12 months at a time to yield a Viterbi decoding and the posterior probabilities for each time step.

# results
preds = []
probas = []
time_steps = 12  # months
for batch_number, batch_df in df.groupby(np.arange(len(df)) // time_steps):
    ev_obs = np.array(list(batch_df.apply(preprocess_series, axis=1).values))
    viterbi_out = viterbi(transition_matrix, p_init, emissions_matrix, states, ev_obs)
    state_probas = np.max(posterior_hmm(transition_matrix, p_init, emissions_matrix, states, ev_obs), axis=0)

# check outs
len(preds) * time_steps
len(probas) * 12

# join preds
out_viterbi = np.concatenate(preds).ravel()
out_probas = np.concatenate(probas).ravel()

# apply preds to df
df['pred_labels'] = out_viterbi
df['label_probas'] = out_probas

9 Plot Results

In this section, I prepare data for plotting by doing some light cleanup and aggregate statistic generation.

### Plot Results
# custom color map
cmap = mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", ["red", "tan", "blue"])

# q1
df_q1 = df[(df.time_index <= 4)].reset_index(drop=True)
df_q1['label_mean'] = df_q1.groupby('h3_hexs')['pred_labels'].transform('mean')
df_q1['label_mean'] = df_q1['label_mean'].round()
df_q1['prob_mean'] = df_q1.groupby('h3_hexs')['label_probas'].transform('mean')
df_q1 = df_q1[(df_q1.time_index == 4)].reset_index(drop=True)
df_q1 = df_q1[['label_mean', 'geometry', 'prob_mean']]
# turn to geoDF
df_q1 = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df_q1, geometry="geometry")

# q2
df_q2 = df[(df.time_index > 4) & (df.time_index <= 8)].reset_index(drop=True)
df_q2['label_mean'] = df_q2.groupby('h3_hexs')['pred_labels'].transform('mean')
df_q2['label_mean'] = df_q2['label_mean'].round()
df_q2['prob_mean'] = df_q2.groupby('h3_hexs')['label_probas'].transform('mean')
df_q2 = df_q2[(df_q2.time_index == 8)].reset_index(drop=True)
df_q2 = df_q2[['label_mean', 'geometry', 'prob_mean']]

# turn to geoDF
df_q2 = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df_q2, geometry="geometry")

# q3
df_q3 = df[(df.time_index > 8) & (df.time_index <= 12)].reset_index(drop=True)
df_q3['label_mean'] = df_q3.groupby('h3_hexs')['pred_labels'].transform('mean')
df_q3['label_mean'] = df_q3['label_mean'].round()
df_q3['prob_mean'] = df_q3.groupby('h3_hexs')['label_probas'].transform('mean')
df_q3 = df_q3[(df_q3.time_index == 12)].reset_index(drop=True)
df_q3 = df_q3[['label_mean', 'geometry', 'prob_mean']]

# turn to geoDF
df_q3 = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df_q3, geometry="geometry")
def plot_bokeh(gdf, str_title):
    # geoJSON gdf
    geo_src = bm.GeoJSONDataSource(geojson=gdf.to_json())
    # colormap
    cmap = LinearColorMapper(palette=RdBu[5][::-1], low=0, high=4)  # reverse
    # define web tools
    TOOLS = "pan, wheel_zoom, box_zoom, reset, hover, save"
    # set up bokeh figure
    p = figure(
    # remove the grid
    p.grid.grid_line_color = None
    # add a patch for each polygon in the gdf
        'xs', 'ys',
        fill_color={'field': 'label_mean', 'transform': cmap},
    # set up mouse hover informations
    hover = p.select_one(bm.HoverTool)
    hover.point_policy = 'follow_mouse'
    hover.tooltips = [
        ("Control Label:", "@label_mean"),
        ("Label Predicted Probability:", "@prob_mean"),
    ticker = FixedTicker(ticks=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
    fixed_labels = dict({0: 'rebel control', 1: 'leaning rebel control',
                         2: 'contested', 3: 'leaning government',
                         4: 'government'})
    # add a color bar
    color_bar = bm.ColorBar(
        location=(10, 0))
    p.add_layout(color_bar, 'right')
    return show(p)
plot_bokeh(gdf=df_q1, str_title='Measuring Latent Territorial Control: JAN-APR 19')
plot_bokeh(gdf=df_q2, str_title='Measuring Latent Territorial Control: MAY-JUL 19')
plot_bokeh(gdf=df_q3, str_title='Measuring Latent Territorial Control: AUG-DEC 19')
Bokeh Plot
Bokeh Plot

10 Sources
